In researching the history of Danville and the roles that the radicals played, the ideal way to really express my research would be to have a museum setting in Downtown Danville.The first option would be in the San Ramon Historical Building at the old Danville Railroad Depot. This would give the viewers, a clear idea of Radical history in Danville, first to view the artifacts and exhibits showing the various type of radicalism found in Danville, then a walk through downtown Danville. The exhibit itself inside the Danville Railroad Depot would be split into three different
groups, The Danville Grangers, the Radical writers in Bret Harte and then finally the Copperheads, the Southern sympathizers during the Civil War.
The Danville Grangers part of the exhibit would includes pictures of the old Granger hall, any pictures of Grangers and ofcourse pictures of the San RamonBranch Line Railroad which would included a 3 dimensional overview of the line and where each of the Railroad depots were plus pictures inside and out of the Railroad depots then and even now. I would also have a brief history of the Grangers as many just like to gaze or do a quick look before moving on, so the less writing and more visual is better. The history of the Grangers and the railroad are very well documented as being intertwined and an example of some of my exhibit information on the Grangers detailing the railroad involvement are as following...........
The Danville Grangers were instrumental in the San Ramon Railroad Branch Line being built and run so that Agriculture and people could travel up and down the San Ramon Valley without anty types of interruptions due to weather, flooding or any other natural occurances. The Danville Grangers were well known for their support and aiding local San Ramon Valley farmers, thus this railroad line dramatically aided the local Central Contra Costa farmers.
In 1891, after years of planning and dreaming,Centra Contra Costa farmers welcomed the San Ramon Branch Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The Branch line enabled agricultural products and passengers to move in and out of the valley in all kinds of weather(Flooding and other blockades of transportation was common during that time).
Southern Pacific built handsome two-story combination depots in Concord, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, San Ramon and all the way out to Livermore, that became the center of life for railroad activities. The rails carried new people and mail into town and in the early years of
Danville's Railroad Depot, it employed a freight agent, telegraph operator and also a Wells Fargo
This would be an example of each card below an exhibit and it would be brief so one could read it in as few minutes and then move on, alot being more visual viewers in museums than actually
literal lookers in museums.
The Bret Harte part of the exhibit would be also mostly visual with personal items from when he was in Danville, also copies of his books and pictures of him throughout his life including when he was in Danville. The exhibit would also includes the layout of the ranch he was on taking care and educating the children of a local rancher, with many pieces and material from that time. There would be ofcourse brief information cards also with an bio of Bret Havre, the area he lived in when he was in Danville and his contributions to this area's history in his romantic but realistic writings about the area.
The last part of the exhibit would be the Copperheads exhibit which would include various odd pictures, flyers and literature of the Copperhead of those times. The exhibit would also have to show how these radicals had influence on the Democratic political structure of California as a whole and especially in the S.F Bay Area and also this includes socially. It would finally have brief but detailed information on the Danvile Copperheads themesleves in both pictures and bios of David Inman, Andrew Inman, John Syndor, Jesse Bowles, Charles Woods, Aj Young and then the most famous Danville Copperhead of them all, Lansford Hasting.
In researching the history of Danville and the roles that the radicals played, the ideal way to really express my research would be to have a museum setting in Downtown Danville.The first option would be in the San Ramon Historical Building at the old Danville Railroad Depot. This would give the viewers, a clear idea of Radical history in Danville, first to view the artifacts and exhibits showing the various type of radicalism found in Danville, then a walk through downtown Danville. The exhibit itself inside the Danville Railroad Depot would be split into three different
groups, The Danville Grangers, the Radical writers in Bret Harte and then finally the Copperheads, the Southern sympathizers during the Civil War.
The Danville Grangers part of the exhibit would includes pictures of the old Granger hall, any pictures of Grangers and ofcourse pictures of the San RamonBranch Line Railroad which would included a 3 dimensional overview of the line and where each of the Railroad depots were plus pictures inside and out of the Railroad depots then and even now. I would also have a brief history of the Grangers as many just like to gaze or do a quick look before moving on, so the less writing and more visual is better. The history of the Grangers and the railroad are very well documented as being intertwined and an example of some of my exhibit information on the Grangers detailing the railroad involvement are as following...........
The Danville Grangers were instrumental in the San Ramon Railroad Branch Line being built and run so that Agriculture and people could travel up and down the San Ramon Valley without anty types of interruptions due to weather, flooding or any other natural occurances. The Danville Grangers were well known for their support and aiding local San Ramon Valley farmers, thus this railroad line dramatically aided the local Central Contra Costa farmers.
In 1891, after years of planning and dreaming,Centra Contra Costa farmers welcomed the San Ramon Branch Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The Branch line enabled agricultural products and passengers to move in and out of the valley in all kinds of weather(Flooding and other blockades of transportation was common during that time).
Southern Pacific built handsome two-story combination depots in Concord, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, San Ramon and all the way out to Livermore, that became the center of life for railroad activities. The rails carried new people and mail into town and in the early years of
Danville's Railroad Depot, it employed a freight agent, telegraph operator and also a Wells Fargo
This would be an example of each card below an exhibit and it would be brief so one could read it in as few minutes and then move on, alot being more visual viewers in museums than actually
literal lookers in museums.
The Bret Harte part of the exhibit would be also mostly visual with personal items from when he was in Danville, also copies of his books and pictures of him throughout his life including when he was in Danville. The exhibit would also includes the layout of the ranch he was on taking care and educating the children of a local rancher, with many pieces and material from that time. There would be ofcourse brief information cards also with an bio of Bret Havre, the area he lived in when he was in Danville and his contributions to this area's history in his romantic but realistic writings about the area.
The last part of the exhibit would be the Copperheads exhibit which would include various odd pictures, flyers and literature of the Copperhead of those times. The exhibit would also have to show how these radicals had influence on the Democratic political structure of California as a whole and especially in the S.F Bay Area and also this includes socially. It would finally have brief but detailed information on the Danvile Copperheads themesleves in both pictures and bios of David Inman, Andrew Inman, John Syndor, Jesse Bowles, Charles Woods, Aj Young and then the most famous Danville Copperhead of them all, Lansford Hasting.
I think to top this exhibit, the best ideas to show a visual display of history, would be walks around historical Danville. This would include with walks to the Danville Hotel, old 1890 Front Building, Granger Hall, Veteran's Hall, Old Danville Playhouse along others and there are within a few blocks, some 15 buildings with historical markers on them which information would be given and then questions would be answered. This tour by the way is currently happening during the week but would be attached to my exhibit. I think people who visited the exhibit would be able to get a real good idea how people lived during that time if they saw the buildings themselves, with alot of them still almost the same as when they were back then.
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